Monday, March 26, 2012

Struggling to grow up…


Locke has had the biggest independent streak lately – as you can see he refuses to let me help him put his pants on. ever. All of a sudden he figured out if he fiddles with them enough, eventually he’ll get each leg in its own separate pant leg. This happens every morning, night, and diaper change. Its so cute!! but at the same time….challenging when we need to go somewhere, etc. Oh locke, stop growing up! its happening way to fast!



And I have to say I never thought I’d be “that mom” who let her kids have binkys as toddlers….but I guess that’s one of the million things I’m doing that I swore I never would. As you can see he’s grinding his teeth with it so I’m thinking its time to get rid of it. or I’ll just let him bite all the ends off and not buy new ones. yeah, that sounds easy enough. Really though he usually doesn’t get them during the day, recently hes found them everywhere. probly cuz I’m couch-bound and not as tidy as usual….


I’m so close to 34 weeks!! I’m trying to be really good about not lifting things and taking my contraction-reducing pills so I can make it to 37 weeks. If its in my power I REALLY want to have a full term, healthy baby. I learned with Locke that preemie babies are SOO cute and tiny, but challenging to care for – I could tell with Locke he just wasn’t quite ready for life yet. I’d feel really spoiled to have a baby without jaundice that ate really well. So that’s my goal! 37 weeks! and so far its going awesome!!


Leslie said...

haha brittany locke is so funny putting on his own pants! i imagine it takes a good 10 mninutes each time...and good luck with making it to 37 weeks! nothing more scary than having to worry about your babys health!

Kennedy said...

Bahahahahaha Cutest child alive.

Kennedy said...

Spongebob + Nerd glasses + Locke = Epic.

kelsey said...

Here comes the independence---GOOD LUCK. Jk. He is seriously the freaking cutest.