Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Latest

Me and my sister-in-law Mandy had this fun idea the other day of making our own soap! Lately we've both been on this health/handmade craze and it has been so much fun! We were completely inspired by the amazing soap makers on etsy, and decieded to give it a try. unfortunately all the soap materials came the day after she left to head back to Canada so I had to make it alone :'( but here is the finished product! I learned a TON on this first batch, mostly of what NOT to do...

It is Honey Oatmeal homemade soap. YUMM! The worst part is it has to harden for the next four weeks, i can't WAIT to use it!!!! Its going to make for some fun christmas presents this year!

I got out of the shower the other day and came upon this cute little moment between father and son:

So i snatched up my camera and took a few while I was still dripping worth it...Locke is getting to be so much fun. the way he focuses on faces is so cute, especially when it makes him go a little crosseyed!

I can actually get him to look at the camera now! he is a complete bobble-head, I love trying to get him to look up! He weaves his head back and forth trying SO hard to lift it up, and is getting better every day. cute little guy...

I've also learned a certain sound Locke does NOT LIKE - its this funny little shrill i was trying while to get him to smile. And now every time i do it I get the biggest fat lip! hahahah, it just shows a bit of his little personality, i love it!

We had a really fun day last week when i entered Locke into the Duchesne County Fair Baby Show. I wasn't going to do it, but Vicki would NOT allow me not to. And i was so glad she talked me into it! it was a hawaiian theme, hence the goggles and beach towel, and it was halarious to see how outrageous some mothers dressed their kids! There were only 3 kids in his age group, and he got first attendant! pretty good for screaming and crying when he got judged! he did not appreciate being in his swimsuit AT ALL.


Amie said...

He is soo cute Brittany! I can tell you are sooo in love with both your guys! Good job on soap making! Thats pretty rad!

The Merrills said...

ok first off....that soap looks AMAZING! please say you will send some up with momma for me!!!
And how cute is Locke!! This is where he just starts getting fun. I love him so much. Lets meet half way so we can see eachother! deal? IM IN!

Leslie said...

ummmm brittany - cutest goggles in the entire world! i love them! haha and i love that you entered locke into a baby show! and holy smokes i love that you made soap! that is so neat!

Tara Merrill said...

Oh he is just the cutest little thing, I am dying at how fast he is growing!!! The soap looks pretty good for your first attempt! Even I am impressed with your following through on all these crazy crafts!

The Harkers said...

Oh my gosh the goggles!!! I love them!!! AWW!!