Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Ten on Tuesday!

Ok everyone, (or…mom, since I know she is probably the only one who still reads this…) I’m seriously on a roll. I think with Live Writer and Ten on Tues I’ve finally found a blog combination that lets me write in my “real” journal and the blog on the same night. I love accomplishing as much as possible after the boys hit the sack!! So here we go with this week’s ten:


(the cousins, Warren and Duncan, over on friday afternoon while Nicole teaches choir down at the elementary. Being uncharacteristically still…) hehe…

1. Jones still has no teeth…and is still not sleeping. How does he function!!! I honestly don’t know where his energy comes from. I know he’s a kid but come ON.


2. I planned on a big cinnamon roll heart breakfast for my boys….but Lane ended up taking Jones at 6am, (maybe 7?? nights blur together a lot lately) for a couple hours. and then lane got me roses. and breakfast. and I did nothing. (shame…) One day when I get sleep I will repay Lane for all the wonderful things he has done to keep me sane.

3. We installed lights in the basement living room! yah!! They look so good I love them!

4. Taylor and I are uploading headbands on our facebook page once a week now! its going really well, I still feel like its worth the time spent on it. She has been the perfect person to do it with, although she may be re-considering me as a buisiness partner since I sent a headband to the wrong person last week. (whoops….!!)

5. Kennedy has been sending me pictures of her favorite engagement rings all week (yippee!!!) and I’m seriously so excited for that girl to finally get married. I think I’m just mostly excited for her to get pregnant so she can see what its REALLY like to be pregnant and have kids. She will be shocked and I think its going to be halarious to see her go through it!!!


6. This week Locke and I have been working on shapes. He can now spot a triange, rectangle, and circle. and he’s doing really well still with his chore chart! I’m so proud of him because he reminded ME to do it this morning! smartie pants!

7. I finally was able to tear Lane away from the farm yesterday to go bowling with his family. It was so fun to show Locke how to bowl! once he got the hang of it he had a hard time waiting his turn! But I think bowling is an AWESOME way to teach him how to share and wait his turn. It was really fun with Nicole, troy, their three kids, Dusty, Rachelle, and Vicki and Nolan. We couldn’t get Vicki to bowl! but Nicole convinced Nolan to throw one ball – and he got a perfect strike! totally wasn’t’ fair he threw it on Nicoles name!!! jks. She did win hands down though. I’m glad we didn’t bet, because I got last place!!

9. This: IMG_6210pb

Is Locke sleeping in a chair in front of the computer. He NEver naps, (rarely, in the car) so it was pretty funny to see his head bobbing and sleeping sitting up. so cute!


10. We have the cutest Philipino neighbor down the road from us who just joined the church! I love her to pieces, she doesn’t speak very good english, but our babies are the same ages and are going to be besties. She has started bringing us a about 6 dozen fresh farm eggs a week I’m still trying to figure out what we’re going to do with! if you know me and live within 5 miles, you’re going to get some. Because I just can’t say no to her, and don’t think she’d understand me if I tried!


The Merrills said...

Hey I read these too! I look forward to them since we never see you in real life. Keep em up :)

Leslie said...

windows live writer is THE best thing to happen to blogging!
1. hahaha I can't believe he still has no teeth! Funny. And SO not funny that he doesn't sleep! I feel for you.
2.Brittany you're in survival mode - dont feel guilty! And sweetest hubby ever!
4.Haha! Why couldn't that wrong person have been me!? One of these days I will order one before someone beats me to it!
7. Too fun! I love bowling!
9. How does this happen without him falling over! haha!
(p.s. that was only 9 - you forgot #8. I'll only forgive you if you do 11 next week.)

Barbara M said...

I read your blog. Love to see what the extended family is doing. Your boys are so cute!