Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

1. Jones still has no teeth. and he likes to tell me about it every night, all night. I swear that kid hates to sleep. (heil hitler!! Jones loves his baby food!)


2. Locke rides his trike in house, he has the perfect “lap” around the island and through the living room. We are begging for spring over here! He still asks me to play on the slides when we drive by (which is basically everyday)

3. We fixed the car – cost us 800 bucks and I think it was the biggest waste of money ever….

4. I got a celery root in my bountiful basket  and it looks just like a mandrake from Harry Potter. I don’t know if I can eat it…



celery root:



5. Locke and Jones had fevers for 3 days straight last week. it was pretty rough…



6. In an attempt to get Locke to eat anything, I gave him a bowl of Ichiban, and the next day he kept asking for “spagetti soup”. Oh my heck, that kid is adorable.


and the mini muffin obsession continues….


7. Every time we gave Locke tylonel or cough syrup he would emphatically pronounce, “I feel better!!” most likely so we wouldn’t give him any more!!


8. Jones was playing in my appliances and broke my french press. Ugh, I hate it when they brake stuff!!


(the only way we could get Jones to sleep, in the carseat…)

9. Jones had a HORRIBLE night friday night, seriously up every 1/2 hour, it was rediculous. Lane finally took him and said he was going for a drive to put him to sleep. I relented and crashed on our bed, and Lane showed up 3 hours later! ask me how much I love that man. seriously a lot.



10. I watch Ellen a lot and Jones loves to clap along with audience, kills me everytime.


Just hanging out. Dad and his cling-on.


Locke is pretty good sharing his toys with Jones, except when it comes to the magnet blocks my mom got him for Christmas. They have become his new security blanket, he sleeps, eats, and plays with them!



When Locke is sick there are three things that I know he will demand -

1. magnet blocks

2. “sip cup”

3. cartoons in moms bed.


kelsey said...

Britt, your boys are flipping adorable. I love all your recent posts, but have a hard time commenting with one hand (other holding a sleeping baby). I have a minute and had to come comment, because I love me some comment love.

First of all, I almost cried of happiness for you when you said Lane took Jones and let you sleep! Ah. Only a mother could understand how much that means. Wonderful. Sick babies are so sad, but so cute and pathetic too!

I need to get some of those magnet blocks my girls would love them! Where did they come from?

I am dying to come see your house. Why can't we be farming neighbors?!?!?!

Leslie said...

1. Ew that is awful that you are up all night! How do you have the energy to still do so much?
2. Riding bikes in the house is the best winter activity!
4. What the heck are you suppose to do with celery root? haha that looks nast.
5. The dreaded sickness has hit everyone I swear! Get better soon Jones!
6. Hahaha! Spaghetti soup is a much better name!
9. That Lane is a keeper! Every half hour though? I would die.
10. I love the magnet blocks! I need to get some for Jake.