Friday, April 6, 2012

Trying to keep things together!!

So maybe I didn’t pick the ideal time to start trying to take pictures everyday – a lot of time is spent in the hospital or lying on the couch hoping the contractions stop….But its been great motivation to take my camera out a lot more! so anyways as far as this baby goes – I’m still pregnant! and Lane and I are super happy! its going to be so nice to have healthy newborn that we can enjoy without the billi lights and inability to eat…Hooray for getting closer to full term! But even with the extra time we are having the hardest time finding a name for the new little guy, Lane doesn’t want anything other than Jack, and I have a HUGE list of possibilities that he doesn’t approve of. I’ll keep you updated on that situation.


Mom took these awesome pictures of Locke last time she came down to babysit Skye’s kids while her and Ryan went on a cruise. He loves my mom so much! and even though we don’t see her very often, it only takes a few minutes before Locke starts calling her grandma and giving her hugs and kisses.


So here’s Locke enjoying a yogurt snack, singing some song I couldn’t recognize: (april 1, 2012)



the backyardigans theme song? are we lucky enough to have him remember one of the primary songs? who knows at this point.


My amazing friend Tai Grant came over and took some amazing maturnity pictures of me in exchange for some headbands I had made. Unfortuantely we had to take a break and clean up where her 3 year old daughter Lydia had pooped on the carpet….we threw her in the tub and she pooped again – and Tai couldn’t leave without wiping down my tub! she is so awesome. (april 2, 2012)




I think her photography is so neat, she has an amazing ability to capture a moment and its so fun to see what poses she comes up with! seriously she is fantastic! and we took all these shots in under 20 minutes with our four kids running around. Which speaks to her awesome talent!



The only cartoon Locke will sit in front of? Backyardigans, and anything that has a song playing the entire time. He is so into music, I got the cutest video of him this week – if I sing a song really enthusiastically he grins from ear to ear and dances around. He breaks out his dance moves everywhere – the supermarket, if my phone rings, anywhere. It is the most adorable thing – Locke you are the best. (april 3, 2012)



The other day Nicole invited us over to Kelly Mecham’s for a cupcake/egg decorating party! it was so fun! there were a couple of small babies there and it was really fun to see Locke try playing with them. He was so confused that they couldn’t get up and walk around.  (april 5, 2012)


Locke didn’t care about decorating the eggs so much, I dipped him an egg, (it was supposed to be red, not pink!) and let him go to town with a marker. Kept his attention for a few minutes…then he spent the rest of the time in the sandbox out back and petting the bunnies!




He has no fear of animals! he just trotted right over to the open cage, and was pointing and trying to climb inside with them! I wonder what kind of “pets” he will bring home when he’s older…I just hope he’s not like Uncle Shane and starts secretly keeping a drawer full of mice!!!



It was such a windy day, that combined with cupcakes and icing the first thing we did when we got to grandmas was throw the toddlers in the bath – Locke and Warren are the water babies in the family! they play so good together in there! (Lockes eyes still cross the minute you take his glasses off, which I guess is ok? as long as they don’t cross with his glasses on, we won’t have to worry about getting surgery again!)


kelsey said...

Oh the poor dead baby mice in the drawer. . . lol.

Locke is seriously so stinking cute in those glasses, I can't get over him. Love the backyardigans--- they are so cute!

The Harkers said...

lane is the cutest kid ever
and you honestly are SO BEAUTIFUL.....
who is that gorgeous that pregnant??!
Honestly you are just beautiful. Inside and out.