Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!


Locke absalutely will not nap in his crib. At noon I turn on some cartoons, give him his binky and I lay down beside him. He is out in under 5 min. everytime. He won’t even get off the bed! if he ever scoots off I just threaten that I’ll put him in his crib and he scrambles over to me and lays back down again. I’m not sure where his dislike for his crib came from, but I’m not complaining. Its fun to cuddle and watch cartoons with him – I don’t get that from him very often!


He is getting so big! and very independent. He won’t let me cut up anything before he tries to eat it himself. which usually ends up with a piece of fruit covered in drool with a couple tiny bite marks he pushes into my lap – “mama?” he always says it like a question. Like it explains everything, “mom, I couldn’t eat it, will you cut it up for me?”. so cute!


Just after getting back from chores with dad, happy. content. before we got him dressed in his easter sunday clothes….




which he was not happy about. We tried SO HARD to get one decent picture of him, I finished his tie last night! I’ve always wanted to make him one and I finally got one done – but we could not have had more of an unwilling model.



Locke whats on your tie? a bunny? - “baba?” I love how hard he is trying to talk right now. Its just taking him a while to catch on…


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