Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Its my birthday!

Seriously how do you not love that face??? The funnest part of being a twin has been there has always been someone to share life with, especially birthdays! With the exception of this year - Kennedy is now 9 months into her Sandy, Utah mission and it marks the first birthday we've spent apart. Its been different in a lot of ways, she had to share it with her companion and i had to celebrate with Lane and Locke. Its different, but not in a bad way. Different, because i'm sure she had just as much fun as I did - but at the end of the night i found myself thinking about the two of us and our relationship and life choices - Its funny to me how i just assumed things would stay the same, we'd always live close together, marry people who were alike, and go through every experience together. WOW - NOTHING has gone according to plan, but i couldn't be happier where i am now, and where kennedy is taking her life - she is the most motivated, giving, inspiring person i know and I could not be more grateful that we are lucky enough to be called twins. I'll never forget when we were 12 or so, sitting in church giggling throughout the entire sacrament meeting. Afterwards the Bishop handed my mom a note, and i remember me and kennedy were a bit scared of what it would say about us being irreverent! But in it he said how special it is to be twins, and that is should be considered the greatest gift heavenly father could give to us. And i've always tried to treat her like that - like my gift in life, someone who ALWAYS understands me, who can make me laugh for hours, and who i will cherish forever. Kennedy, seriously i miss you more than anything in the world, but i am so excited when we'll be reunited in 9 months!! happy birthday to you!!


Amie said...

Aw this post is super cute! I can't imagine how much you miss her! You two are amazing!!

The Merrills said...

awww sweetest post ever. You and Kennedy seriously do have a bond that is beyond words! I can't wait for you to be reunited with your twin! Hope you both had an amazing birthday, my gifts are coming soon!!

Little Tiddy Family said...

Aww ok i teared a little reading that! You two are so cute! Don't you just love having sisters!! Hope u had a great birthday!

ps lock is getting so big!

kelsey said...

aw, tears. happy birthday to both of you.

Amy MacDonald said...

So cute!!! Having your sister as your best friend is seriously the biggest blessing in the world. :) :) Gahhh it's going to be so exciting when she gets home!! Loves you!

Amy MacDonald said...

Ps.. I only teared up twice when I read this. I think that's pretty good!!