Friday, April 9, 2010

Today is one of those days that i had completely forgotten i have to go through delivery in a month. it so strange to think i won't be pregnant soon, it feels like these kicks, rolls, and big belly are just a part of me now! That is until i pulled out his newborn outfits this morning and I just became so scared and excited that i needed to express it! its funny sometimes how crying seems to help. Just a bit. Then i slumped back in my chair and daydreamed about our future and how this baby is going to influence it. Lane found me in this stupor this morning and jokingly asked me if that was all i had accomplised today. And i did feel productive. Its a skill I have, to do things like daydream and feel productive without actually being productive. I've had a lot to think about lately, somethings which have been a bit scary - my stomach hasn't grown for the past 4 weeks so my doctor has been bit concerned. Its been actually fun because i've been able to get an ultrasound at every appointment!! i cannot get over his little profile. He is so perfect. But he seems to be gaining the right amount of weight and his little bones are actually measuring a bit bigger - meaning they unofficially moved my due date up 10 days!! That news was like music to my ears - i'm trying to get over a nasty sinus infection and avoid being so uncomfortable - i've tried so hard to explain it in other words but uncomfortable always seems to fit the best! I cannot imagine actually being able to function in any way faster then speedwalking. Yesterday while rounding up some cows that had escaped i could not have felt more useless! It was like they somehow knew my disability, and kept charging right by me knowing i could hardly stand there for the 15 minutes, let alone attempt anything more then flailing my arms! The hardest part of all has been that my mom is so far away - I never thought i would miss her so much! Thank goodness for Skype, otherwise i'd be a nervous wreak. Even then, its still not the same as when she's here. A mother's love is so calming, i always feel so comforted when she's around. And when she comes down I become the one who is taken care of - that is a luxury i've definately taken for granted in the past. Last week i had to miss a wedding and homecoming of my two brothers - i've never wanted to be home so bad in my life!! especially with kennedy gone. I have NEVER missed someone so much. But my homesickness has been such a good thing for me and Lane. We could not be any closer - i cling to him like glue! and i know he loves me depending on him like that. Other then the last few weeks though, i have seriously loved being pregnant, i've been amazingly blessed to not have morning sickness! It makes me wonder if i'll miss it at all...ok, now for some pictures. Since being with Lane is pretty much my new job now, i thought i'd snap some fun shots of him working on the battery cable in my car with his dad. They both hated me for the rest of the day, but i know they'll appreciate the pictures later!!

This is my new buisness card for my online shop i FINALLY decided on doing, i guess you could go check it out but there's nothing in there now! hopefully i'll have a couple items in it by the end of the week.


Skye said...


Leslie said...

BRITTANY! this post has made me want to drive on over to see you right this second! and I know exactly (almost) how you feel since i was away from all family for the majority of my pregnancy too. i cant wait to see how cute your baby is!

The Harkers said...

Britt! I seriously just want to see you and talk to you right now. I totally understand how weird and crazy all your emotions are right now, although I seriously hate how far you are from your family! I hope everything goes well for you! Post some more preggo pictures!! I love you and miss you!!

The Merrills said...

Awww Brittany, I know how you are feeling all to well. And yes you will have days where you miss your belly and the kicks and all that but you will also have the most amazing little baby boy in your arms to make it all worth it! I am so excited for you and we miss you incredibly, I can't even describe it!! I am coming to Utah this spring/summer after you have baby, even if that means coming alone!!

Brittany Larsen said...

Yes skye, i'm coming soon. kate and les and mandy - you guys are the best! seriously its nice to know you guys actually know what i'm going through! and yes, most of it is probably the crazy hormones, but i love the support! it helps more than you know!!!!!

kelsey said...

aw britt, i feel your pain. it's so hard being away from your mom, especially when you're pregnant, and especially with the first baby! my mom just left yesterday and i miss her already. i'm glad you have skye there close though, that helps! i'll have to come see your tiny one this summer (before i have my own, of course!)