Thursday, June 7, 2012

My boys!


Seriously how cute is this little guy? Oh my heck I just love his little face, he is so expressive! its so funny watching him try to figure out his hands, feet, and mouth. He has started kicking so hard! and those little arms are constantly flailing around. He’s a strong little man.


His cry is still cute, but I’m sad his newborn cry is gone. Its just one more way I have to accept that he is growing up on me…


hee hee. his face, I love all the expressions he’s been giving lately.


Locke was giving Jones kisses, but so fast I missed them every time. You can see he’s going in for it with his puckered lips! Locke has been amazing with the new baby, he gets really worried every time he starts crying and offers his own binky to Jones. So cute. Lately he’s been trying to feed him food, so I’ve had to really watch him while he’s eating. There’s a cashier at our grocery store that always gives Locke a pack of rockets, and when we got home there were a few in the bottom of Jones’s carseat….hmmm….at least he doesn’t have a problem sharing.


So there’s moment when Locke is really into the baby, and then the ceiling fan suddenly becomes more interesting….


cute yawn.


We were watching some cartoons in the afternoon and Locke and Jones fell asleep on the same pillow…it was the cutest moment of my life. and I realize this blog post has a LOT of the word cute in it, but it really explains my life lately.




Lane brought in his nasty mastitus tester from the barn this morning to try and fix it – its nasty from being covered in milk and poop from hundreds of cows and stinks BAD. So I asked him why he brought it inside, and why it was sitting on my spice cabinet, double ew, and you know what he said? Cuz britt, you’ve had mastitus twice now, its time to check your milk and find out if I’m guna put you on the cull list. Save up some money for a newer hefer. Wow. You’re so funny Lane.


I’m convinced there is nothing cuter then daddy/baby pictures. nothing. they are just so freakin precious. seriously, just look at that.



my favorite face from Jones lately


This kid’s hair is the best, even when its greasy it sticks straight up.





Hey mom. I’m so cute it hurts.

Its so fun having a new little guy around! our whole world now revolves around two boys, I can’t imagine my life without them. It makes me wonder what I used to do before them, and why the heck I didn’t try to accomplish more. oh well. live and learn. but I guess I’m accomplishing the most now by raising them right? sometimes I swear all I do is change diapers and refill Locke’s water bottle. and turn on Backyardigans. and clean the kitchen for the 34719278340th time because Locke painted yogurt all over the kitchen counter. Note to self, don’t try to paint flower pots and feed Locke at the same time…


The Plum Verbena said...

Lane's mastitis comment is too funny! I just love that little Jones. All his pictures are so sweet!!

The Harkers said...

oh my gosh your kids are freaken adorable
no lie
the picture of them asleep on the pillow!?!!!

haha and seriously why do farmers think it's hilarious to compare you to cows...