Saturday, October 20, 2012

Trying to keep this thing going….

I swear this blog started with the best of intentions. A post, maybe three a week was my goal. laughable? yes. I blame it on the fact I don’t have photoshop, so I can’t make amazing pictures, and don’t have incredible pictures to post. But really, I just need to face the facts that blogging is absalutely the last thing on my list. Which is why I get around to it twice a year….



k, this little boy has become halarious lately. If you tell him your going to change his diaper, brush his teeth, etc., he will drop onto the floor and start snoring obnoxiously. I still think it’s the funniest thing ever, which is why he does it 10+ times per day.

He will not sit still in church. and believe me when I say we have tried EVERYTHING. From bringing everything but the kitchen sink to nothing at all. Doesn’t work. doesn’t. work. So we usually end up wrestling/ignoring him for 45 min and then he always explodes and refuses to be corraled. Then Lane takes him out to a deserted classroom and makes him sit on a chair. And he freaks out some more. After 5 min. Locke is exhausted and ready to sit in sacrament for the last 10 min. this happens EVERY WEEK. Last week was a little different because as Lane took Locke into the bathroom to wipe his runny nose and drool (after his meltdown) Locke decided he’d had enough of lane and locked him out of the bathroom stall. The funny part was Lane said he could hardly fit under the tiny space under the door to get him out of there!! hahaha, makes me so sad I didn’t get to see it for myself.

He’s been a bit picky with dinner lately, especially if its not some type of pasta. But does this kid simply say no? no. He takes off down the hallway and throws himself on the bed and screams no into his pillow. so dramatic. I hate to think what our little girl will be like!

I’d like to think he’s a genius under all that scraggly hair and dirty fingernails, but I fear he may have inherited my intelligence genes…which is unfortunate. Last night I overheard Lane reading him a story, the dialogue went something like this:

Lane: Locke whats that?

Locke: Iiiiii Doint knoooooow.

(his I don’t knows are very drawn out and dramatic. with a high note on the end.)

Lane: It’s a cat!

Locke: OOOOh. a cat…..meow.

Lane: that’s right! so what is it?

Locke: IIiiiiii doooon’t know!

Lane: (cute little giggle)


Locke can count to 11. thank you Dora.

Locke hasn’t taken his glasses off for the past two weeks, straight. Which is fine, but you’d think they were uncomfortable to sleep in…




Now on to this little guy. A few updates on the big man:

still no teeth, but has been teething….since birth. I swear.

He is SOOO close to sitting up! yah! that means super cute pictures with Skye! and since he’s actually chubby, naked pictures are going to be killer cute.

Even though he’s been teething, this guy has the BEST disposition! So happy and content. As long as he’s being held….

Sleeping really good lately, only wakes up once or twice even though he is still only nursing. Next month I’ll start him on some foods so that should be interesting.

He is in 12 month clothes, and catching up quick to Locke who is in 2T everything. If Locke doesn’t start tanking up He’s going to start wearing Jones’s hand-me-downs.

Jones is six months old!!! what happened to my baby???


He WILL NOT take a binky, which has been good and bad. Every once and a while he’ll find his thumb which is so cute.



IMG_5468He may sleep well at night but naps are few and far between….


We take a daily walk, and Locke is going to be so sad when it gets too cold to venture out with Jones. Sometimes you just got to get out of the house! it’s a good thing for all of us!


Today we stumbled upon Lane cleaning out the bagger (he bags all his corn silage.) Turns out it broke down and Lane wasn’t in the best mood…


Hence the picture above. The only time he would look at me…He might hate me taking his picture but it’ll be crazy to look back at him trying to get that antique to work!!



Locke showing me his awesome new rocks. He still refuses to look at the camera.


How’s that for a  typical farm kid’s outfit? oh Locke.


He was so mad about something but I can’t even remember what it was now.


I’ve accepted that I’m not a very photogenic picture. I used to cringe when I saw my awkward smiles and weird poses. But now, I just shrug my shoulders, say "Meh.” and move on. Jones sure is stinkin cute though, as usual. Cannon used to draw these really funny pictures of birds who looked super surprised and funny – they always reminds me of Jones in pictures! he always looks so caught off guard.


Last week I Locke fell asleep like this. It was halarious because every couple of minutes his legs kept giving out and he had to re adjust. eventually I laid him on the floor so he could get a decent nap and wouldn’t wake up a raging bull!


so cute! just waking up!


The Merrills said...

once a year, twice a year, however often they are, I love reading your posts!!

Lacey said...

This is so random, prof that its coming from me, ha ha ha. BUT I just wanted to let you know that I get all my glasses from ZENNI OPTICAL, it is a great site and the glasses are really cheap. You can get Locks measurments off the inside arm of his exsisting glasses or ask his optomitrist. Anyways I have a feeling that this little man is going to go through a lot of glasses in the next 10 years and this is a great way to keep cost down. Steele and Alaina have started getting theirs from there as well.

Leslie said...

HAhaha Brittany! I love everything about this post!! Haha. Locke honestly seems hilarious! I love that he fake snores! And the inteligence thing? Jake is like that too - he'll ask for the blue crayon and then i'll ask him what colour it is and he'll say i dont know...moments after he said it was blue. haha. and jones - oh my he is cute! he needs to come teach Flo a thing or two about sleeping! I love that he is so chubby - chubby babies are the best!cute family - you look cute as always. miss ya!