Friday, June 1, 2012

Locke’s belated b-day party

This poor kid! he didn’t get to celebrate his birthday “officially” with a party till 3 weeks later! So I decided to go all out and Pinterest the heck out of it.

We opened some presents", his favorite being this little camper chair he LOVES and still carts around the house everywhere:



and a cute book from Aunt Nicole about being a big brother (my fav) I’m so sentimental, this book is now sitting up displayed on his dresser, it is so cute!


chowing down, (and looking everywhere but the camera…)



a group of cousins, who came to join in on the fun,


and the treats! we had bbq chicken sandwhiches, crock pot style, chips, and goodies. All the little jars are themed candy/veggies – liqorice = monster hair, carrots = monster bones, goldfish = fish heads. I got really creative with that last one eh….the juice pitcher on the end and all the glasses had googly eyes, and the utencils were wrapped up with a great big googly eye on them. I just threw some big pieces of paper on the wall, drew some monsters and set out some crayons – it was the biggest hit! the kids loved coloring all the crazy monsters. I also hung up a simply happy birthday banner and some tissue paper fans, nothing too special, its all hanging above the table. my camera is so close up though, I couldn’t get it in. we had the yummiest punch too. courtesy of pinterest, my bestie.



The cake, I loved how easy and fun it was. And also that we were doing a monster party and my unintended “slime cake” just happened to fit in well…hahaha, nailed it! not…..


Locke was pretty unsure about all the attention and the order to blow out the candles. He gave a half-hearted spit/blow and the cousins took over from there…(although the next day he kept bringing me a candle to light so he could blow it out for real, I guess we needed a trial run for the real cake? I’ll know now for Jones’s first big party!)IMG_4934

As usual looking everywhere and at everyone but me…


A fun idea stolen off pinterest again. The older kids got it, but the younger ones…well…you can tell how they felt from the look on Claire’s face!


Locke’s using his as a backscratcher, seriously could Warren care any less?? hahah oh kid’s parties. I had this perfect party in my head, and then…the real party started! after this we all ran outside even though it was pretty windy and blew bubbles.


Do I use it like this mom??…


Or this?…..


He freaked out when his cousin Candice tried to help him…oh that kid. So much independence. What do you do. The party was a lot of fun, I think Locke woke up the next day and was disapointed when no one showed up to play. I love our little guy so much, and I’m excited for next year to have the boy’s birthdays so close together (2 days apart!!) and just have one big shin dig. Maybe then we’ll have a bbq?? hint hint Lane?…


All tuckered out from a big day of playin.


So there are 3 baby foxes that moved in at the bottom of our lane! and they are so fun to watch – they also aren’t scared of people at all! I got so close when taking some pictures and they just sat there staring. They are so tiny too, the size of baby kittens! Locke calls them mice!





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