Thursday, August 13, 2009

C-day Thursday!!

Yup, here it is again, this time i dropped in on Katherina and her super cute store so i could sit at her sewing machine. She teaches anything from begginer to advanced sewing classes and has TONS of machines in the back. Which I took advantage of today. Since I don't have one. Which by the way my birthday is on the 27th...lane???...can i possibly hint any harder???...

I made these two ALL BY MYSELF!!! i was so proud...sniff....and they are going to skye, a wicked awesome sister who profits from my sewing "adventures" until i get kids of my own. or actually make something for myself. Which i'm actually thinking of making one of these for me next time...

A authentic vintage button. yup true story, i lurve it!
anything vintage is always a good idea.
once again, i lurve this button. totally necessary.
My AMAZING teacher and good friend, here she is helping me for the bizillionth time to get my project together...
A necklace lady came by the store selling these for the hospital! only 5 bucks, and so so cute. so i took advantage...
Kennedy, my faithful twin sister / slave...

and me, same day, different shirt...curse them oreo shakes...

and Darcy!! love this girl! she is fifteen and the wickedest seamstress! SO talented, just like her mama katherina! they made the quilt below...

That ruffle. seriously. so so so cute!!


The Merrills said...

Britt, seriously is there anything you can't make?!?! I LOOOOOVE the dresses you made! You are going to be rich and famous one day from your craftiness!

Kennedy said...

seriously love the dresses so much they turned out so cute!! (with my help of course) i love the quilt they did too. awesome. and what the heck was that about oreo shakes?? so random... call me sometime today punk!!

kelsey said...

i need everything in this post. that's all. thanks. you should probably make a dress like that for me, skye has too many already. . . lol.

Kennedy said...

it has been a week!!! more posts!!!