Monday, May 6, 2013

Ten on Tuesday

Hey, i may be a week late, but i'm actually posting on tuesday! which is amazing. My laptop is up and running again, and i know it will be easy to get posts more often if i can feed the kids lunch and upload pictures??!? in my head its a perfect system, lets just see how it pans out! well here are last weeks 10:

Locke is an amazing child, mostly because every night at 830 he is instantly tired. And for the past three days has fallen asleep when i'm reading him his stories. cutest. thing. ever. play hard, sleep hard i guess.

(Falling asleep with a sucker in his mouth, and trying to keep him quiet during Jones's nap...)

2. I refinished Lane's old dresser this week - it got painted a pretty mint color for the guest bedroom. i love it!!

3. i dont' think there is anything cuter then Jones fresh up from a nap. He is a cuddle bear and i'm obesessed with him. Locke on the other hand still has troubles hugging me...(too busy playing....)

Its physically impossible to burn
flowers with out a decent snack.
Kashi cookies being the dessert
of choice this time. 
4. k, i'm kinda scared of how well Peony and Plum is going?? we are making 15 headbands/hats a week, and we are still selling out. its really hard for me not to make more, but im really trying to keep kids first and 10th?? its been ok, but seriously. there are some obsessed bow lovers out there!! 

(Locke insists on pushing Jones everywhere in the stroller, and feeding him. I really have to watch the feeding...obviously....)

(Lane requested chocolate lasagna on sunday....dang him.) 

5. Locke fell up to his eyeballs in the mud puddle behind him. so. nasty. We were also about a mile from the house, on a walk with all his cousins. Nice timing kid. 

6. girlfriend Boston, cousin Warren, and Locke The three muskateers.
We've been watching Boston a ton lately, (she just spent the past two nights at our house!) Her dad has an autoimmune disease he has to get treatments for out in salt lake so we've been helping out letting her stay at our house. It is AMAZING how dainty and cute she is compared to our crazy Locke. Kindof really makes me want a little girl??

(Kitchen window farm beauty.)
(this was the first time i cracked a window since winter. I may have screamed out of it how much i love spring. LOVE not having neighbors....)

7. Locke dilligently folding cloths, from every batch since the day i taught him! I must say he is an amazing helper?? 

(Jones. there are no words for how much i love this little man.)

(precious-break-my-heart cuddles with dad)

8. He looks so innocent and peaceful sleeping, but dont let that fool you. When awake his goal is to seek and destroy. The toilet being his target lately. and a few bottles/ rolls of toilet paper. 

9. I'm amazing when my parents come down to visit how much my kids recognize them from skype. Modern day technology is kindof amazing...

Just burning a candle to get rid of a little ear
wax. Welcome to the weird/health obsessed
family we are. 
amd why were they in town??.....

Because THIS AMAZING GIRL GOT ENGAGED!!!! Chris still has no idea how incredibly lucky he is to have hooked her. She is the perfect person, and they are going to have a great marriage. i'm so excited for them! They got engaged at the first spot they ever kissed, then came to Skye's house to find Mom, Dad, the kids, and me! she was over the moon - it was so fun to see her right after such a special time in her life! Now on to plan a wedding! move over ken, this is when me and mom take over....!!!

9. Did I mention how cute this little man has been lately?? he is famous for his side smirk, and lately he's decided to pull one of his arms out of all his shirts. Careful Jones, the fashion police will get ya on that one...
10. Fun fact about Locke this week, and careful this is rated PG-13. Every time i change his diaper he informs me that his pee pee is now his toot. and everytime he toots he points at his pee pee. hahaha it makes me giggle just writing about it! He truely thinks he is tooting out of it. so cute. 

11. Locke and Jones's birthday invitation! cant wait to get a cake for Jones to destroy! its going to be a hoot!
12. I went visiting teaching, and one of the sisters had found newborn baby raccoons in her grandmas chimmney. Reminded me of the pet raccoon we had growing up! they are so nice and cute at first, but grow into small monsters....

13. Locke is a bit OCD about stacking things, his nursery leader told me he is a great listener but tends to ignore her when asked to put away his square wood blocks (there's lots of shapes, he just loves squares??!?) He is also obsessed with puddles, like most boys!! i cringe whenever it rains....
14. I added these cute bird mirrors i got online to my entry way! hooray for getting another peice of decorating up!!

15. I started sprouting and I'm thoroughly addicted. They are really yummy and now my body craves them?? I seriously throw them in everything, including some i processed and threw in our chocolate chip cookies?? haha i feel like my mom who used to put bean puree in everything!! 

16. His smile seriously melts me. and who doesn't love a little man who thinks their mom is utterly hilarious?? 

17. Summers are hard with Lane gone all the time. We don't see him when there's any daylight, but Locke loves it when he feeds near the house and he can watch him out our bedroom window. 

18. Boston was with us a lot the past couple weeks. She moved a couple of days ago and Locke is going to be so sad when she can't come over and play. The last time she was here we whipped out the paints but couldn't find paint brushes. Problem solved when Locke decided to dive in with his fingers!

Jones watched from the safety of his high chair with some banana chunks. 

19. I'm going to try to put up some raised flower beds with Lane, with us luck!

20. welllllllll.....kinda outta points. I'll leave ya with a quote out of Lockes favorite book of the week, "the sneeches"
"...Until neither the Plain nor the Star-bellies knew
Whether this one was that one...or that one was this one
Or which one was what one...or what one was who"

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