Thursday, October 14, 2010


k, just to start - i'm really not avoiding this blog, its just that this is quite possibly the busiest summer of my life! With moving, corn chopping, and the holly fair, oh..and a crazy 6 month old, i'm taking advantage of every second. and i secretly love it. Its fun to accomplish so much - since the beggining of summer its been amazing how many things have changed and everything me and lane have done. One of my favorites?? this little guy - check him out trying to sit up!! as if he is already 6 months! it blows my mind!

Whoops. wipeout. way to go grandma....jks. hahahahah

oh, please try to pretend you don't see the food all over his jammies. its just squash, which he obviously didn't like - hence - all over clothes...and all over mommy.
just thought i'd share the latest holly fair project! polka dot headbands! Skye took a picture so you could see them "in action"


Little Tiddy Family said...

Britt i cant believe that he is 6 months. It goes by so fast! I just love how cute he is! what a big smile! Hope you guys are doing well! take care!

Tara Merrill said...

I am so glad I got to see him while I was there, all I can think of is him looking so intently at my face and then gooing and cooing at me like he knew I was his Grandma!!! Cutest thing ever!!!

Unknown said...

I want that head band!!! Why r u so crafty? I think us eastern merrills missed that gene........