Sunday, March 31, 2013

A post all its own...

Thousands of dirty diapers.
Countless upon countless nights spent praying they will finally sleep through the night.
Every waking moment filled with worry about development, parenting, and time management.
Recent fear that with boys War of any kind could strip them from me. 
Struggling to cope with the reality of what a huge responsibility raising an honest, true, chaste man requires.
So many worries. 
so many fears. 

Becoming a mother lately has weighed so heavily on my mind.
How do i raise my boys to be different? 
To have all the qualities of a cowboy in an old western....
Rough and tough but gentle when required. 
How is it done??

And then the other night this happened:

And i just decided to enjoy them. every moment. and forget the worries and the fears. and just BE a mom. 

1 comment:

kelsey said...

amen. plus, your house deserves a "home tour" post. please and thanks.